Friday, June 25, 2010

Useless Information Day

Since everyone else has “Thankful Thursdays,” “Manic Mondays,” “Jam of the Day” and other fun corky posts I decided that I will have “Useless Information Day.” So every week it doesn’t matter what day of the week it is I’m going to post trivial information that had no use at all except to say, “Huh? I didn’t know that today.”
So here we go the first useless information:

• A
prestidigitator is another word for magician.
• A castrated rooster is called a
• A
conchologist studies mollusks and shells.
• A
deltiologist collects postcards.
• A fingerprint is also known as a
• A
klazomaniac is someone who feels like shouting.
And my favorite,
• A
librocubicularist is someone who reads in bed.

Now, next time you are thinking of a weird large word you can use one of these ☺

1 comment:

  1. Were you planning on telling me you started a blog or did I have to discover it while using my husband's facebook while he's out of town!
