Friday, July 2, 2010


The other night I went as saw The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. And I must say that it was pretty great. I felt this movie was much better in the first 2 and
it makes me excited to see the 4th movie, which is my favorite book. I do think it is hilarious that I’m 26 yrs old and love the high school, making out, vampire-werewolf, and sometimes-cheesy books and movies. I guess I should stand up and be proud. But I’m the same way about the Harry Potter series. So anyway, if you haven’t seen it, go see it! I loved how there are comments in the movie about the real-life chatter of Jacob and his gorgeous body and the rivalry between “Team Edward” and “Team Jacob.” For me
I really can’t decide which team I swing for. Edward is an English guy, and that accent makes him hot all alone and the Jacob does have the body.

I don’t have cable currently so I have been watching and there is a new show called The Gates which I know isn’t going to last very long on the network but it seems they have all mystical creatures from vampires, werewolves and succubus (which I had to look up). Now True Blood sounds interesting and Lisa let me borrow the book series that the show is based on so

hopefully soon I can start reading those. I do have to say personally I cannot decide if this vampire stuff is being overplayed or interesting. In the meantime I will still probably continue to watch. I also want to read about the vampire classics like "An Interview with A Vampire" and "Dracula" ...So maybe I do like this stuff after all :).

Now a really important question: Are you “Team Edward” or “Team Jacob”?


  1. I think vampires are a little played out but True Blood's still awesome cause there's sex and violence and all that grown-up stuff that Twilight lacks.

    Annnnnnd....I think I'm "Team Jacob if Jacob was like 10 years older but I feel like a cradle-robber so Team No One."

  2. Team JACOB!!!!!

  3. Jacob... but without the long hair.

  4. I'm on team WILD ANONYMOUS SEX which is what you should be having in Casper.

  5. I dragged my friend Melissa to see it too in all its cheesy glory. I can't help the fact that my mental age is 13. However, I have to agree with team anonymous sex. Save a horse, ride a cowboy?
