Sunday, May 29, 2011

Garden Update

It is finally warm enough outside to not worry about plants freezing at night so today was really my only day I have available in the next 2 weeks to actually spend time planting my tomatoes and plants. I ended up getting additional tomato and pepper plants because the ones I grew from seed weren’t doing too well. The garden looks pretty small and hopefully soon it was flourish and I wont see any dirt J I ended up getting some heirloom type tomatoes and excited to see how they grow and if they actually have enough time to produce fruit.

The plants I’m growing are:

Cherokee Purple Heirloom Tomato

Brandywine Pink Heirloom

Yellow Pear Tomato

100 Sweet Berry Tomato

Early Girl Tomato

Roma Tomato

Original Yellow

Cherry Tomato

JalapeƱo Pepper

Sweet Red and Green Peppers

Green Chilies


Yellow Squash


Watermelon (trying)

Lettuce, Carrots and Spinach

Pathfinder Dam

Today I went to the Alcova and Pathfinder reservoirs. There has been a lot of water/rain this spring so the dams have been over flowing and I heard it as pretty cool so today I really didn’t have plans so decided to go for a short drive and see the dams. It was very pretty especially with the rainbow at the bottom of the dam and the majestic of the water spilling over the spillway. Jay and I visited last October so I have some pictures of Freemont Canyon to compare to the increased water levels.
Freemont Canyon Last Oct 2010
Oct 2010
Freemont Canyon May 2011
May 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Useless Information Day

1. Barbie’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. Barbie’s measurements if she were life-size would be 5’9ii tall, 33-18-31 ½.

2. There are more Barbie dolls in Italy than there are in Canadians in Canada.

3. Totally Hair Barbie is the best-selling Barbie of all times.

4. In 1946, the first TV toy commercial aired. It was for Mr. Potato Head.

5. The hula-hoop was the biggest selling toy in 1957.

6. The hundred billionth crayon made by Crayola was Periwinkle Blue.

7. The Slinky is sold on every continent of the world except Antarctica. If you took a standard Slinky and stretched it out would measure eighty-seven feet.

8. When the divorce rate does up in the USA, toys makers say the sale of toys also rises.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Garden Project 2011

Now that I actually live in a house an has a yard and grass and some place to plant flowers/vegetables other then a 6x6 porch I have gone all out. My next-door neighbor is also letting me use a piece of garden in her yard to plant what ever I want so I’m pretty excited needless to say.

Back in March I began growing tomatoes and pepper plants from seeds and now I have 13 tomato plants and 9 pepper plants I’m going to grow. There is a large variety of tomatoes, anywhere from cherry tomatoes to yellow to heirloom tomatoes! Not only am I going to grow tomatoes and peppers. I’m also going to have cucumber, zucchini, yellow squash, lettuce, spinach and carrots. ---Which take up a lot of room so my garden is going to be pretty cramped.

Yesterday I went to the Meadow Acres Greenhouse and got a lot of flower plants that I’m also excited for. I love greenhouses soo much more then Home Depot they have better selection and prices, plus its local, which I like to support.

It has still been too cold to plant anything outside for the fear of freezing so I have been bring them in and out on nice days so hopefully in 1-2 weeks it will be warm enough. I have planted 3 tomatoes outside already, but they have “walls of water” around then that keep them warm at night and they seem to be doing well.

I have big expectations for my garden and hopefully it does well. My neighbor added newspaper (I guess it attracts worms) and peetmoss and rototilled it the dirt to have the plants do their best. So wish me Luck!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Wyoming and Guns

I just read my post from last September about shooting guns for the 1st time it's pretty hilarious. As my boyfriend stated, "I have matured nicely." I have now evolved to where Jay and I ride around in this truck and there is HUGH rifle laying next to me and I don't even blink about it. ALSO, I am a proud owner of my very own gun. It's is a Taurus 22 Revolver. Which a nice little handgun. I don't really like handguns that much but I really enjoy mine for some reason. It doesn't have the kick as some of the bigger more powerful gun. I still obviously has the respect and safety towards any gun and I still really don't like shooting the big powerful ones but not as scared as I was 8-9 months ago.
The only hunting I have really experienced is turkey hunting in April where we did find 2 turkeys but missed both times. There is plenty of mounted animal head I see everywhere or the coyote carcasses in the back of the truck at Starbucks. Yea I know classy :).
The next step is to take a hunter safety course so I can go hunting or have a concealed license permit.
Yea Yea I know what happened to that Liberal Denver Girl. Wyoming just does things to you here. PLUS there really is nothing else to do~!

A mixture of things

My boyfriend has been in Fort Worth, Texas the last 2 weeks and it sucks! I have been pretty lonely lately and pretty much have been lying in my bed on my days off. 1st the weather has not been helpful it has been crappy and rainy the last week making it hard to do anything outside PLUS my room mate moved out who owned the 42inch plasma and the furniture so I forced to my bed really the only place to sit. But I’m buying a couch from my neighbor so that will be resolved so just now need a TV J . So the only problem with having like no furniture the cost of everything cuts into my JEEP fund that seems like every month is getting used for other things.

I am going to visit him Jun 3-6th and looking forward to my little trip it will be nice to go some place for a bit, plus I’ll get to see my BF J. I do have a new roommate moving in this week and hopefully that all works out no problem. I did see her place and it looked like a tornado hit the place, but she claimed that I was just because of moving so hopefully that is true.

What else is new in my life….well it has been a year since I graduated from nursing school. And they were right when they said that it would fly by. I’m very much use to my job but still learning something new everyday.

This summer I’m also growing a garden that will keep me busy. I’m looking forward to real tomatoes (Wyoming has the worst fruit/vegetable selection) and the challenge of the growing season up here. I’m going to plant carrots, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, squash and zucchini.

Maybe with all my spare time I can write here more.