Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Wyoming Heart Attack

So this video was made on our Progressive Care Unit just this last month in my hospital. I guess there was some controversy about the video being filmed within the hospital. Its pretty tasteful though..


epic fail photos - CLASSIC FAIL: Lemon fail
see more Epic Fails

Friday, August 27, 2010

Double Rainbows!

The other day it was perfect rainbow weather, sun was shining with light sprinklage and I saw the most amazing rainbows! I think this was the most vibrant rainbow I have ever seen :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Garden Creek and Bridle Trail

This last Sunday I finally went on my first hike in Wyoming. I have been wanting to go for a long time now but really don't want to hike by myself. So my friend Amanda and I went to the base of Casper Mountain and had a pretty nice work out for 3 hours, in the hot, hot sun. First when we got to the parking lot it was packed and we saw people walking up to the falls in flip-flops so we guessed it wasn't that hard of a hike but after like 2 minutes of walking we made it to the "falls" it was a pretty pathetic "hike" and did impress either of us. After 5 minutes staring at the wonders of Casper we decided to turn around and see if there were other hiking trails. We finally made it on the Bridle trail that was a nice steady incline. We stumbled upon great views of Casper, a little rock climbing and a really old car from like the 20's that must have rolled down the hill; it was pretty neat looking, we were wondering how long it was there. Amanda said that she though the Bridle trail also had a waterfall from the same creek as the fall we saw earlier we finally made it to a stopping point at this "waterfall" and again was marveled by the attractions of Casper. It was also getting later in the afternoon and we decided that we better turn around. We did get passed by a couple of people who were running the trail. Very impressed with them we had a hard time hiking it and and a couple pit stops on the way. But I do think I could probably hike this trail alone, and it really was only a 10 minute drive to the area, so hopefully I can do that more before it gets colder. That picture of wood looks like a squid...thought I would share :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Blonder and Blonder

Yesterday I had a hair appointment to cut and highlight my hair. I have been wanting to really bleach my hair Kitty platinum blonde but too scare to do it. So I try to go for the more "natural" looking blonde. I have put red in my hair that was fun while it lasted. Every time I took a shower the water was red for weeks. Then the dark brown was nice because my hair actually matched my eyebrows but I have decided that I like the blonde the best. I have also decided I like my hair super long and decided to just get a trim yesterday it doesn't even look like it was cut. Now my hair flower clips will be even more stylish....
Here are some pictures to compare :)
What do you think?
My current hair color--taken today :)

Red strikes--make my eyes look really green

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Useless Information Day

In 1876, the average man in the U.S. stood 5'5" tall, 4" shorter than today's average. Half of that increase has been since 1960, according to the U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services - since then men are on average 2" taller.

Boys who have unusual first names are more likely to have mental problems than boys with conventional names. Girls don't seem to have this problem.

It is estimated that at any one time, 0.7% of the world's population is drunk.

On average, 150 couples get married in Las Vegas each day.

Americans are responsible for generating roughly 20% percent of the garbage in the world.

Children laugh about 400 times a day, while adults laugh on average only 15 times a day.

Approximately 20% of Americans have a passport.

Over 52.4 % of Boulder, Colorado citizens have a bachelor's degree making it the highest educated city in the United States.

One out of every five births in the United States are delivered by Cesarean section.

Women who are romance novel readers are reported to make love 74% more often with their partners than women who do not read romance novels.

Forty percent of Americans iron their clothes while wearing their underwear or being completely naked.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Flowery Hair Clips

I'm really into wear the flower hair clips in my hair recently. But every where I look they are either ridiculously expensive, not "made" the right way, or I just don't like them. So I went to one of my favorite websites, to see if there were any creative, relatively affordable flower hair clips.
So I actually found the flowers without the clips and thought it couldn't be too difficult to add them so after a quick trip to Hobby Lobby, fixing the hot glue gun that resulted it a slightly burned finger. I made a lot of colorful flowers pretty cheap and now have the great style.
These are cute, easy and affordable and I wouldn't mind going into the flower clip making business. So if you are interested let me know!

Colorado Girls

This Video is great...!!...Totally makes me miss Denver more

Denver Diner Traditions



La Roux - Bulletproof

This song will forever remind me of Strip Clubs....

Pasty and Strippers!

So for Laura's Birthday... there might has been strip teases and strippers involved. The evening started off great at the Vesta Dipping Grill. It is nice to go to a "fancy" restaurant because there really isn't any in Casper. We have the Olive Garden….. Next we went to Maloney’s where we were sitting next to this creepy guy, who asked what Laura’s name was and I stumbled and said Lisa…which doesn’t help much since Lisa was there as well ..Smooth.. Anyway afterwards we ran to the photo booth and you saw my pictures J. Next was to the Clock Tower Cabernet, where we had front row seats this is a great place to go for a show its small and intimate place and they get involved with the audience so that was great. The show ran till about 1:15 or so it was too late to go to a normal bar so we went to The Diamond Cabernet, which is a strip club… This seems to be a recurring theme this summer. I have never been to one in years and now I have been to 2 in the last 2 months…At this place there were a couple of poles though and one of the girls was trying to teach us how to climb it properly. It is HARD! I could barely get off the ground. I give props to pole dancers. Totally a work out! Last we went to the Denver Diner were we kinda repeated history where we sat at the same table 4 years ago and then afterwards put too many people in my car but this time only for a short distance.

We always have a good time together! Thanks for a great weekend.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Photo Booth Pics!

On Laura's B-Day party we went to the Lucky Strike Bowling Alley and had some photo booth pictures taken. 1st it was all of us girls, then me and then Laura. But sadness my pictures were the only ones to come out of the machine :(. Here they are.....

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A little of This and That

I didn't realize how much I have missed Denver and Colorado until this weekend when i came back. It takes me again 30 minutes or more to drive anywhere and there is traffic everywhere, but I miss hanging out with my family and friends when I want without having to schedule times. I have been soo busy driving from one place to another, I feel like I have spent more time in my car, which makes me want a new one even more. It really only took me less than 4 hours to drive down here, which isn't bad since I could just as easily spend that time driving around Colorado to visit everyone :) I'm so lucky to have such a supportive group of family member and friends. Thanks everyone!
OOH and I officially got my paper license in the mail the other day..So I'm a real RN now!!
Here is a video of my messing around with my computer :)
I have a MacBook and it does soo much that i don't even know about :)
Also, Does anyone know if any cool blogs to check out i'm looking for fun and exciting websites to add to my list of internet surfing i do everyday!