Friday, June 25, 2010

Useless Information Day

Since everyone else has “Thankful Thursdays,” “Manic Mondays,” “Jam of the Day” and other fun corky posts I decided that I will have “Useless Information Day.” So every week it doesn’t matter what day of the week it is I’m going to post trivial information that had no use at all except to say, “Huh? I didn’t know that today.”
So here we go the first useless information:

• A
prestidigitator is another word for magician.
• A castrated rooster is called a
• A
conchologist studies mollusks and shells.
• A
deltiologist collects postcards.
• A fingerprint is also known as a
• A
klazomaniac is someone who feels like shouting.
And my favorite,
• A
librocubicularist is someone who reads in bed.

Now, next time you are thinking of a weird large word you can use one of these ☺

Home Sweet, Home

As most of you know I moved to Casper, Wyoming on Monday. With the help of my wonderful family, everything went smoothly and was even able to load, drive 6 hours and unload all in the same day with plenty of time to go have dinner. I was able to actually pick out my apartment. I was suppose to have an apartment already assigned to me and when I called the complex they said that they were putting me in a different unit. I kind of got upset and mad at them because I already had changed my address to the apartment number I thought I was going in. Anyway, they called back and said that they could give me a 2-bedroom apartment for the price of the 1-bedroom. After looking at 6 different apartments I still decided that the large one bedroom that they were originally were going to put me in was the one that I like best. Sorry apartment complex people. ☺ They told me the offer is still available if I decided I wanted a 2 bedroom. I did only sign a 6 month lease so we’ll see.
It is amazing how fast 9 people can unpack my apartment. By noon the next day I was 85% unpacked. As of today the only boxes that are still unpacked are my 2 printers, my dell-computer (which I never use anyway) and ironically my nursing notes—which should have been the first box unpacked. And I finally feel like I’m almost settled in. I still have all my pictures to hang up on the way (except one) but I kinda want to wait and see what kind of couch and placement before I finalize the pictures on the wall.
I really haven’t done much in Casper since I have gotten here, I have gone to the public library twice to study where I checked out the first two seasons of Dawson’s Creek----I don’t know how I watched this show when I was younger. I absolutely have no money so I feel like I don’t spend any if I stay at my apartment so I don’t become tempted. I think I might go to downtown Casper tonight or tomorrow night and walk around so I don’t get cabin fever, as well as see the area. I know once I start working I will experience plenty of different places with new people.

Since I’m living in a new place and apartment I want to make some new rules.
1. I must make my bed each morning, since I’m now able to walk on 3 of the 4 sides of my bed it should be easier.
2. I now had a dishwasher, thank gosh! So I must use it and don’t leave dishes pile up in the sink for days.
3. The Circle papagone chair is for sitting not a collection of clothes and everyday things. Since there is 3 washer and dryers down the hall this should be easier. Furthermore, this goes along with the large walk-in closet I have the closets are stored in there, and again not the chair.
4. I will not hook up the TV till I pass the NCLEX.
The people who know me well know that these are hard rules to obey, wish me luck.

I cant believe I start my new job on Monday, it’s amazing how much time has flown since I have graduated from school. There is actually a bunch of people who are getting jobs after graduation, I’m happy for them. Also, it makes me wonder if I stayed in the Denver area what kind of opportunities I would have. Yet, I’m glad that I have moved because I have been saying for a while that I wanted to experience something different ☺. So here I am. I guess it is better then the Air Force for now.

So if you would like to send me a house warming present ☺ my address is:
2300 E 18th St Apt 414
Casper, WY 82609

Stacey Nicole

Monday, June 14, 2010

Blindfold Craziness!

One more week till I move to Casper, and I haven’t even attempted to pack ☺ It all will work out this week, it’s not like I have nothing else to do (besides study).
Anyway more pressing matters is from Saturday night when I entered a hostage situation. My really great girl friends, Kristin, Lisa and Laura told me to be ready at 6pm and they had a whole night planned that I had no idea about. When I got in the car, the first thing they made me do was put a blindfold on, and told me I would be blindfolded throughout the evening. After a few twist and turns so I couldn’t figure out where we were going. As well as, comments of extra pairs of clothes, removal or shoes and a streaking man. I ended up at Casa Bonita. Of course, I have to go there before I move to Wyoming, it’s a Colorado landmark and most be visited. The place hasn’t changed (granted I was there last in November) but even then just like I remembered when I was a child.
After dinner, I was blindfolded again and was taken somewhere else. After driving around for what seemed like an hour I ended up in a parking garage and still blind folded lead by arm to our next destination. First of all, it is really hard to walk and trust someone to lead you and make sure that I didn’t run into anything. I have a hard time walking straight with my eyes open so double hard with my eyes closed.
We got on a bus that sounded very much like the 16th street mall bus so at least I kinda knew where I was. Then they took me in to a place that smelled like Walgreens and guess what it was! I can’t believe I can determine where I was because of the smell of a store. They ended up buying me something, which after asking random guys of the street that said, “they would make me really happy, and find myself a big black guy.” It was a package of condoms. Off to destination #3 the Captions Room in the Oxford Hotel when we got out if the soaking rain and sat down and enjoyed Stella’s and Lisa O Martinis. I always think of Wyoming as a domestic beer-drinking place so a Stella and martini is fitting.
After drying off a little, we went again, blindfolded, to an area that sounded familiar. I ended up at the Tavern downtown, which has been a part of my life the last 4 years I have lived in Denver. Always a good place to go! They just remodeled the upstairs patio and it was really nice. Nothing like I’ll experience in Casper.
Destination #5 was the Tabor center to ride the escalators, a favorite past time before we were 21. After the brief stop off I went to another unknown destination that just so happen to be a strip club. Yep! I have never been to one of those! You would think that 4 girls would go see the chip-and-dales but no these were female strippers. I was a little embarrassed at first but then after a shot and a drink I started to loosen up and found it all pretty entertaining. There were many guys there that would come put $1 in front of us and watch us with the dancers. Most the guys were “not bad” but there were guys that you can tell were regulars and that was the most action they usually got. I was impressed with the girls and how they moved, stripping/pole dancing is a talent that I will probably never achieve.
My last destination was the Denver Diner, and of course we had to go there! Always a good ending to a fun and eventful night. Eggs and hash browns at 2 am is always a nice way to sober up.
I have to thank my great friends for planning such a fantastic and fun evening. I’m sad that I’m moving away but I know no matter when I move or live I will always have such great friends that would do anything for me. And whenever we hang out no matter where we go, there will always be a good time!

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Beauty of Denver

This morning I went for a 2-hour walk/jog (I jogged like 5 blocks and decided I could experience more walking) around my neighborhood. It is such a beautiful neighborhood that I live in. All the houses are so unique and different and add something different to the area. There are huge mansions next to duplexes, sky-rise apartment buildings and single-family homes showing the diversity of the neighborhood. I did walk past a couple houses that were for sale and one was $600,000 while just a couple blocks away one was $300,000 which both are way to rich for my current taste, plus the fact that I’m moving in a week. But hopefully someday I will move back to Denver and live in an old Victorian style house that was built 100 years ago. Matter of fact, the house wouldn’t necessarily have to be in Denver. Just a place that offers the history, beauty and individuality that is not available in “cookie cutter” houses and KB home developments where every house looks the same. Anyway, by walking around I got to enjoy Denver and what is has to offer before I move. It’s funny I live a block from the Botanical Gardens and 2 blocks from Cheeseman park and I have really only been a both a handful of times. I have driven by a thousands times and now that I’m leaving I’m really starting to appreciate them. I guess after you know you are going to loose something it opens your eyes to different perspectives and the beauty that available at the tips of your fingers. Now I would like to take a vow and really see what Casper, Wyoming has to offer and not just go to work and sit around my apartment on my days off ☺ . So when I move again I don’t feel guilty about not really knowing the area I live in.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jamaica Sunset

May 23rd through May 31st I was in Jamaica, I had an excellent time and would love to go back someday. Here is one picture of an evening sunset. The people, the beach, and the sunsets were amazing!

Here I Go~!

So I cant believe it I'm moving to Wyoming in 1 1/2 weeks! I would have never though that I was going to live North of the Colorado. Over the last couple of years I have been really complicating moving to a different area of the USA where I didn't know anyone. I even still considered joining the Air Force after I graduated from Nursing school. But nope! I'm moving to Wyoming. Casper to be exact. I have heard of Casper, and really the only thing I though was Casper the Friendly ghost :). Anyway, I start my new job 6/28/10 at the Wyoming Medical Center on the Medical Floor as a new Graduate Nurse! It is very exciting and very happy that I had a job before I graduated! I wanted to stay in the Denver area but the market was so infiltrated that it would be hard to get a job as a new graduate in an area that I desired. A lot of my friends said that I needed to start a blog and write about the Wyoming any my experiences moving there where I do know anyone. I'm looking forward to moving but it is bittersweet because i don't want to leave all my friends and family. This will be a great opportunity and if i absolutely hate it in Casper I can always come back right, after 18 months that is :) Also, I really would like to meet a cowboy and Wyoming is no better place.
More to come!