Monday, January 7, 2013

In Loving Memory of Rascal

Rascal and her BF Kallie
Rascal and Daisy, last month

Last Thursday I had to put Rascal to sleep. :( It was very sad and devastating for me. I just could't watch her suffer anymore.  She no longer looked comfortable and had a decreased quality of life so I did what was best for her. I feel like a betrayed her a little for some reason, like I didn't try hard enough, but she did live for almost 18 years. She was a big part of my life and I continue to keep thinking she is there when I move a round the house.  I know she had a great life and I need to not be so hard on myself and know she is not suffering anymore.

I buried her out but TJs house, he was soo supportive and help be build a wooden box and dig the hole, she well now be over looking the vast beauty of Wyoming sage brush and wind.

Hanging out with the girls
 She also made me think about my own mortality and family mortality and what I would do and react to my family members death...  As a nurse I see death all the time and except it for others I'm not related to but I don't have much experience with death in my family. So just brings all those feelings to the surface.

Always had to drink fresh dripping water even to her final day
Thanks Rascal for teaching me so much and always being there when I needed a
friend and someone to cry on.

I loved reading all my past posts about her so truly showed how much I loved her and that I wasn't betraying her my putting an end to her suffering. :(
I will miss you

 I will miss her greatly and she will always have a place in my heart. 

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