Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Glass Castle

I thought I would add a book review to my blog, you know add more substance to the place and introduce other people to new and exciting books. It seems like lately I barely finish a book in a 3 months period verse my friend Lisa who can finish like 6 in that same time frame. With that note this means there won’t be too many of these throughout the year.

So anyway, the last book I finished was called The Glass Castle. Which was about a family who grew up extremely poor and refused to sacrum to the Welfare system. I was first introduced to this book in my Community Health Rotation in Nursing School and my instructor highly recommended it to understand the perspective of a poor family and how it was like to live in the Appalachia area.

I don’t want to give away too much but its pretty much from one of the daughter’s perspective how her life was growing up in this family. The title is relevant because the father always talked about how when he “struck it big” he was going to build this glass castle for his family to live in but there were many barriers to why they never were able to achieve this dream.

The book began with the family living in all different areas of Arizona desert then moving to the Appalachian. The 4 children experienced an alcoholic scamp of a father and a neglectful mother, and battled hardship from all sides, toughened by experience but taught never to feel sorry for themselves.

If you are interested in learning more about welfare and what it could be like growing up this way I would recommend this book.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked that book! And I have read about 60 books since the end of February. :)
