Saturday, June 18, 2011

This cat!

This cat is always attached to me at all times its like having a 1 year old. Sometimes its nice but most of the time just a pain in my butt. I still love her though.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Glass Castle

I thought I would add a book review to my blog, you know add more substance to the place and introduce other people to new and exciting books. It seems like lately I barely finish a book in a 3 months period verse my friend Lisa who can finish like 6 in that same time frame. With that note this means there won’t be too many of these throughout the year.

So anyway, the last book I finished was called The Glass Castle. Which was about a family who grew up extremely poor and refused to sacrum to the Welfare system. I was first introduced to this book in my Community Health Rotation in Nursing School and my instructor highly recommended it to understand the perspective of a poor family and how it was like to live in the Appalachia area.

I don’t want to give away too much but its pretty much from one of the daughter’s perspective how her life was growing up in this family. The title is relevant because the father always talked about how when he “struck it big” he was going to build this glass castle for his family to live in but there were many barriers to why they never were able to achieve this dream.

The book began with the family living in all different areas of Arizona desert then moving to the Appalachian. The 4 children experienced an alcoholic scamp of a father and a neglectful mother, and battled hardship from all sides, toughened by experience but taught never to feel sorry for themselves.

If you are interested in learning more about welfare and what it could be like growing up this way I would recommend this book.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

At my fingertips!

So now I can blogg from my cellphone.  So hopefully it ups the numbers :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

My new set of wheels!

So I finally got my 4-Door Jeep! I wasn't even really looking but I stumbled upon it and it was such a great deal I couldn’t pass it up. I have wanted a Jeep for along time so it actually has come true.

So it’s a 2008 Sahara Unlimited Jeep. It has 10500 miles on it which is great for 3 years old for $26,700. The jeep also has some after market upgraded such as a Navagation/DVD/Satellite touch screen with extra speakers, subwoofer and skidplates. It has all the upgrades I wanted! And I save $10000 compared to what I have wanted to pay if I got a new one and trying to keep my monthly payment down to what I can afford which would have required that much money down.

So now the Jeep is in Fort Collins at my mom’s and it will be coming up on Friday. It has so very minor hail damage so that is getting fixed on Wednesday. So my mom and step dad are being super nice and driving it up afterwards.

I can’t wait to go off-roading on some of the easier dirt roads up on Casper Mtn and around the surrounding area.

I look forward to many years ahead of me with my new vechile.

Now the only question? Is now what do I do with my Kia? Should I keep it or sale it? It’s not really work much so it just depends really.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Saga of Flying

So right no im in the Dallas Fort Worth Airport Wasted. My 925am flight was cancelled so now I have to resort to the 7pm flight from a different airport to get home. Therefore, $50 and 4 beers later I am wasted! So now I sit here watching old school thinking about how I have 3 hours till I flight out of this place….What is interesting is 3 hrs at work flights by to problem but when you are stuck in an air-conditioned airport with nothing to do but drink and read a book it’s pretty boring. This is the first time this has really happened to me and I was just thinking about it earlier and now I know how much it sucks…..also did I state there is no internet so I’m actually writing this hours earlier on Microsoft office and later posting.

The airport is a good place to people watch…but right now I’m soo drunk I can’t even focus straight… so maybe when I’m in the Denver airport for another 1 ½ hour layover… UGH.!!!! More to come promise.

The saga continues…sober this time…

When I finally got to Denver and to the Casper gate I didn’t have a seat assignment and of course the flight was overbooked by 7 people. I ended bursting out in tears and being pretty emotional about the whole situation. Even after one of the docs who was on the flight with me offered to rent a car and drive back together I declined (very sweet Dr. Thukur, thank you) and had to stay at the Renaissance Hotel for the night anyway.

So now its is 0813 on Tuesday Morning. When I should be at work in a meeting that I’m leading but instead I’m sitting in the Denver International Airport once again trying to get to Casper. I would have been there by now if I just rented a car but really didn’t want to drive home at midnight when I already have problems with falling asleep while driving, especially after a long emotional day. I never though I would have to stay in a hotel in Denver waiting to go back to the airport. My aunt said she’d come get me but then she would have to bring me back in 7 hours so I didn’t want to burden her with driving to the airport. So $400 flight vouchers and $15 food vouchers later I am again at an airport. Not sure how Tom Hanks did it in the Terminal….It’s exhausting.

The boarding time is approaching and of course there is no plane at the terminal. BRING IT ON UNITED! That’s all I have to say.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Plants vs Zombies Music Video

I don't know why but I for some reason really like this music's catchy...