Sunday, October 17, 2010

This and That!!!

Sorry for the non blogging lately. This month has been kinda busy. My schedule at work is horrible this month.

The last 2 weeks I have worked Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Not giving me anytime to recover in between. I also had ACLS training in the middle of it that I wasn’t getting paid for because my floor doesn’t require ACLS certification. But the good nurse that I am I wanted to further my education. I passed and now one of the only ones on my unit that is ACLS. Which I’m happy for, I will probably never be the “team leader” and give the instructions but at least I will understand the emergent and Code blue process and the purpose of the drugs that are being used. Plus I have had more exposure to rhythm strips and finally understand heart blocks and junctional rhythms.

One thing that really made me upset the last week in the ACLS class was how other nurses project that they are better then others because they work in a different part of the hospital. So I’m a Medical Nurse, I get a pretty broad group of patients that are pretty stable and dot require heart monitors and close supervision. Which is a great place for a new grad to start. But then you have the nurses in more critical areas that have this bubble/attitude that since they get more critical patients that they are a “Better” nurse then others. It makes me mad because we all essentially have the same training. I have friends that work in all these

areas and it seems like even them are judgmental towards me. I sometimes find my self saying I’m just a Medical Nurse. But you know what I can do my job, assess my patient and give medications to a patient all without a monitor always attached to them. I am proud to be a Med/Surg Nurse and happy where I am! And when I’m able to look at my patient and know when something is wrong in a second I know that I’m an excellent nurse anywhere I work. So its now where you work that makes you a good nurse its yourself and how attentive you are!

Ok enough of that tangent.

I’m soo happy that my friends cam

e up the last week and visited me here in Casper. I had a great time as always and feel like no matter the amount of time in between seeing each other we can pick up and joke around and have a good time. Thanks guys for coming and visiting me it made me feel special J .

Update: I’m continuing to go to the gym. I haven’t gone nearly as much as I did before I was so busy but slowing becoming more toned. It is hard to eat good when you have a boyfriend it just makes it harder for some reason.

The other day Jay and I went to Alcova Lake and just hung out and for those of you so patiently waiting for a picture of my mystery boyfriend here is a picture—it is a really bad one of the two of us though so no first time judgements.

1 comment:

  1. Stacey- I work on a tele floor with the heart monitors. let be the first to say there isn't a difference. I'm proud to be a medical nurse and you should too!

