Saturday, September 25, 2010


At 4am in the morning when I have to wake up in an hour I though I would talk about my wonderful cat, Rascal. Many people know that it seems like I have had her forever, which pretty much have, more than ½ my life really. She is 15 yrs old and probably seems like she has another good 5-7 years in her. She is a domestic black and white longhaired kitty and now that I have her hair grown out has grey racing stripes down her side.

She cuddles with me, give me massages, we have conversations with each other that only we can understand and she really only likes me. I have been told that she is a bipolar cat which she likes you and then the next minute wouldn’t care less. She had been through a lot in her long lifetime: she has moved 7 times and has been able to adjust pretty well, and be pretty content anywhere she lives. I do get her shaved about every 6 month or so the last couple of years and I know she doesn’t enjoy at all. She has lived with the crazy kitty, Kallie where she succeeded in teaching her bad habits J and she might get to experience a new kitten in the next couple of months, Sam that might be successful in her demise. She has had no health problems her whole life; she has probably been to the vet like 3-4 times total all for check ups. She is however skinny, skinny, but I guess that is better the super fat and insulin dependent. She even has a hand painted portrait of her hanging on my wall J.

I love her very much I wouldn’t trade her for any other cat. Just wish she would be more accepting to other animals and wouldn’t make me nervous that she could have a heart attack if she isn’t my only pet.

Hairless Rascal getting along with Kallie
Full-blown hair do, enjoying her limited time outside
Just after being shaved
I think this is the closest they had ever been, and I bet Kallie snuck up on her
Getting a massage
Artistic Rascal
My bed was actually made before I left the house that morning.


  1. Rascal likes me, she just doesn't want anyone to know it, haha.

  2. I LOVE HER!!!!!! She's so stinking cute!
