Monday, April 23, 2012


For years now I have been getting my geriatric cat shaved about once a year.  I just recently shaved her a couple weeks ago and it seems to have really taken a toll on her or she is starting to look her age.  She will be 17 years old in just a couple weeks.  But with in the last couple of days I have noticed how skinny and sickly she is.  I don’t know if I just notice it more since she has been shaved or she really has lost a lot of weight in the last couple of weeks.  Since I got her shaved all she really does is sleep in my bed and I rarely see her anywhere else. 
I use to think she would have another good couple of years but now I feel like she has days or even weeks…A couple days ago she pretty much stopped eating her dry cat food so yesterday I went and bought so wet canned food and tuna.  She has eaten some but not enough to sustain herself.
A part of my feels like I should just take her to the vet and help her move on but just the though of that makes me cry again.  I’m beginning to be one of those family members’ from work who can let their sickly hospice grandma pass on.  I have had here for so long I can’t even imagine my house without her.
I feel like since I got her shaved it has only made her weaker and I feel like it is my fault but I have to understand that she is old and has had a full wonderful life and understand that death isn’t always bad.  I have learned this in the 2 years of my nursing career. 
Well whatever happens if she lives for another couple days/weeks/months/years I will always love her!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Justin Moore - Bait A Hook

Love this song.... :)

Clinical RN-3

So it has been almost 2 years since I graduated from nursing school…. WOW!  Is all I can say…I have accomplished so much is my short time as a nurse!  At WMC there is a laddering system that has different levels of nurses based on their experience and involvement with the organization.  After some research I realized I was already so involved in the organization and met the ladder requirements, all I had to do was fill out the paperwork.  Back in December I filled out the paperwork and pretty much spent a whole day gathering the information and submitted it before the deadline.  Then a week later I was approved as a RN-3 then another week later it was taken away because I hadn’t worked at the organization for 2 years.  So I was upset that I didn’t get the recognition and pay raise that was associated with the clinical RN-3.  Luckily, to my surprise my manager must have appealed it and they decided to go through a loop-hole and actually regrant me the title.
I can’t believe that I have been a nurse for such a short time and have had so many opportunities to be involved and make a different.  I always wonder if I would have had this same involvement and opportunity if I were to stay in the Denver area at a bigger hospital.  In the long run, I am glad I did move to a smaller, rural facility and was able to contribute to the well-being and help increase good quality care for patients.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

New Arrivals

It has been a busy last month in my rabbitary!  Bonnie had her babies on March 27 in the middle of the night.  She has had 3 babies and all black.  It is amazing how big they are as of today.  Here are some pics!
Almost with eyes open

Bonnie with her 3 babies

How cute!

Today Abby had her 2nd batch of babies.  A month after the tragic story of her last litter.  Anyway, today she had babies early in the morning and totaled 7 babies.  OMG!! She has 3 seal/brown colored and 4 broken spotted!  It is amazing how much smaller they are then the other kit (litter). 
Little "piglets"

See the size difference

2 weeks older than Abby's babies

EEEK!  NOW I have 15 bunnies!!!