Friday, December 24, 2010

Ice Crystals

So the weather is Casper has been just wonderful. -15F is just not that warm. Plus with the wind it even colder. I guess I have really experienced the wind that Casper is known for but a couple weeks ago with Jay and I got the truck high-centered on 6 feet of snow I experienced the wind while trying to dig out the was miserable and became a city girl and decided I had enough fun that day.. The snow sure is pretty though.. Here are some pictures i took the other day.

In the last 6 months!

All of you know the reason I moved to Wyoming in the first place was for a job. I can’t believe that it has been 6 months since I have moved. I love my job and so happy I went into nursing. I glad I choose to work on the Medical floor as my first job as well. I see so many different problems and types of patients it’s a good base to start building my nursing habits. Also in my hospital it is the most stable floor and we have the strictest manager, which makes a more structured learning environment.

I’m considered one of the “stronger” nurses on the floor and the other day one of the physicians stated he wasn’t concerned about his patients when I worked and believes me when I think there is something wrong. Which I feel is a huge compliment because just being 6 months out of school and helps me feel more confident in my job.

In like 2 weeks I actually start precepting a nursing student for 6 weeks. I’m a little concerned and scared since I’m actually going to be teaching a person and help shape the beginning of his nursing career. I would like to someday become a nurse educator and a preceptor for new nurses so this is a good way to see if I actually do like teaching and training.

Other achievements that I have accomplished in such a short period of time is: I’m the Co-Chair to my floors Unit Council which is an elected position that get to do other exciting things other nurses on my floor don’t, like create the schedule that has it’s great advantages when it comes to my own schedule and getting what I want J . As well as, creating plans on our floor to help with productivity and job performance. I have been floating to other floors and able to work successfully. Which makes we want to consider Float Pool some day because of the different variety of patients and nursing I get to experience.

All in all, I’m glad I decided to make the move to Casper to Wyoming Medical. It is not nearly as big as the Denver hospitals but it’s a great place to start and to advance my career.

Cycling Water Bowl

For Christmas I got Rascal this cycling water bowl to make her stop licking the shower dry. My cat is very odd and has to have fresh running water and so I constantly have to keep a drip in the bath tub to fulfill her hydration needs. Most the time she is soaked after exiting the shower, so hopefully by getting a special water bowl this can be prevented. So the other day I set it up for her and she wasn't nearly as excited about it as I am. She still meows and bothers me to go turn the shower on to a drip I have only given in once since I got the new bowl. :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Fun Outdoor Activities!

Last week I did something I have never done before. I went snowmobiling. Or better known as going out on the "sleds." It was a great time the snow was awesome, the snow was shining and by the end of my day my face was bright red from being windblown. I think the fastest we went was 5omph (that was me as a passenger) I would only drive about 35mph. It was a workout as well i was sore for days afterwards :).

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Carrie Underwood Concert

So last night I went to the Carrie Underwood Concert here in Casper! It was probably the most fun I have had since I moved to Wyoming. My friend Cami and I were picked up in a limo and began drinking and driving around. By the time the concert started there were 20 people in this limo with us and it was a great time. The Concert was great! We saw Billing Currington were we snuck up to the front row then got kicked back to the 3rd and then kicked out of there and then we gave up and went to the seats that we were suppose to sit in. I might have been pretty drunk that i went to the men's bathroom because there was no line and it was great didn't want to miss anything. :) Carrie is by far one of my favorite performers!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Blowing Pumpkins Up!

So in October Jay and I got pumpkins to carve but Halloween came and went and we still didn't carve the pumpkins into November so there was this brilliant idea of blowing them up instead. So after a electric saw and 5 boxes of cherry flavored jello we had 2 pumpkins made for blowing up... This is fun in Wyoming....

It actually looked like real blood.....I know pretty mature...
There are more pictures to come once i figure out how to get them from Jay's computer to mine...


In Casper, In a Limo,<----With a couple gay guys......

...Carrie Underwood....

my favorite female country singer...
I secretly wish I was her......


IS really slacking here.....I promise ill do better soon.