Thursday, July 26, 2012

Curtains 101

Today I created new curtains for my laundry room.  Before it was ugly shelves and junk that needed to be covered up since it really is the main entrance to our house so wanted something cute so with Rebekah's help I created a simple curtain in about 4 hrs or so.

Cutting of the pieces
Ironing the strips
Beginning to Finish, easy part over
In the machine almost done!
Finished Product :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

A-Z Things I Love

Inspired by Lisa O (Lisa's Blog) who fills things like this all the time I though I would try one.  So here ya go A-Z of all the favorite things I love.

A-Alcohol beverages—I love a good tasting beer or a nice fruity mix drink after a long day at work or a night out with friends.

B- Bunnies—I love seeing baby bunnies grow and helping caring for them.  It is sad to see when they don’t make it.  Didn’t realize how touchy newborn babies are.

C-Concerts—I love seeing a great band/performer live with a nice cold beer in hand. And of course, what Lisa said: Country all the way!

D-Dining out—Probably the reason why I need to loose 30 pounds but I love to eat at different restaurants.  I like to cook too but just need to do it more and someone to cook for.

E-Education—I love school, I know sounds weird.  It has been 2 yrs since I graduated from nursing school and I miss it!  I would love to go to grad school but I don’t to be in debt anymore then I already am.

F-Family/Friends—I couldn’t ask for more then great friends and a supportive family that I can always rely on.
G-Garden—I love planting vegetables and watching them grow and then enjoying the finished product I do have say that my garden at this time is pretty over grown with weeds. 

H-Hospital—I know this is a weird but it is the one place that I’m able to feel like a true nurse, challenge my mind and interact with friends and coworkers.

I-I Phone—It’s amazing how important one little handy device is so important with connecting you with your friends/family and the world.

J-Jeep—I love driving my jeep especially with the roof off, windows down, subwoofer blasting listening to great music.

K-Knitting—this goes about with Q but I do love to knit even though it has been awhile since I made anything.

L-License—My Registered Nurse license that is. J

M-Music—I love listening to music mostly country, top 20, alternative and pop/rock. Especially as loud as I can.  I’m going to be deaf by the time I’m 60 but ooh well.

N-Netflix—I watch Netflix all the time especially while lying in bed.

O-Oops—I’m blonde, enough said.

P-Pedicures—The one this that I truly do a lot that is girly and makes my feet feel wonderful.

Q-Quilting—My new found hobby that I did mostly last winter when it was cold and dreary outside.  I know it makes me sound about 70 yrs old but its fun to pick out different fabrics and see what goes together.

R-Rascal—My crazy anorexic geriatric 17 year old cat that I can’t imagine living with out.
S-Single—Being single again is bittersweet.  I am happy that I’m not in a relationship anymore that causes he hurt but wish I would meet that special person someday.

T-Television—I love vegging out and lying on the couch watching nothing-important thinking about being productive.  As I type this I’m laying here.

U-Underwood—As in Carrie, love her music!  As well as the other pop country singers like Dierks Bentley, Josh Turner, etc.
V-Vegetables—I love eating fresh vegetables and fruit it is delicious and healthy all in one.

W-Wyoming—As much as I would like to move back to Colorado Wyoming is actually a pretty good place.

X-XOXO—Hugs and kisses how everyone needs them.

Y-You—I know this is a long stretch but the few numbers of people that actually read my blog and are involved in my life.

Z-Zzzz—As in sleeping and cuddling all warm and comfy. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

NCLEX Anniversary

Today is my 2 yr anniversary for passing the dreaded NCLEX thank gosh it's over.  It just seems like a bad dream now.  Then I feel sorry for all the new GN's that have to take it.  It's interesting listening to them talk about it. :) 
I plan on taking a med/surg certification class some time.  I really need to start preparing for it and then again I will be faced with taking another test just like NCLEX...eek!

New Super Mario Bros. Wii:

The in the last couple of months my friends Kim, Julie and I have been trying to beat The New Super Mario Brothers on Wii.  It has been great time with friends and increasing my finger dexterity. J  Anyway, we have almost completed the whole game but getting all the stars in every world and level.  It has taken a lot of patience and skill to be able to achieve this goal.  Yes yes…. I know I have never been much of a video gamer but come on its Mario and Luigi so it doesn’t really count. 
I would like to say thank you to octaneblue on you tube for all your help  helping us cheat J  as well as frustration when it took you 1 try to finish a level where it has taken us hours….. I think I have developed carpal tunnel because of this…. Any suggestions on what we should play next?