Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sad Day

Abby in the nesting box.
As many of my other blogs had suggested I have a strange interest in breeding rabbits.... so I have done a lot of research and preparation for baby rabbits.... I even went as far as having a "Rabbit Habit Party" where some of my closest friends in Casper got together and we watched a very intimate moment for my rabbits.... So we breed Bonnie and Abby to Cole.  Yea... I know Cole has it made!  Anyway,  little did I know that Abby was actually already 2 weeks pregnant.  Because to my surprise she ended up having babies a little earlier then I expected.  I did have my suspicions but still was skeptical.  So on Tuesday March 6th.... Abby went crazy...she shredded her hair and stuffed mouths full of hay...  Here is a video of her behavior.  Little did I know she was probably in labor at this time and was perfecting her nesting bed.  Also little did she know it was the coldest night of the week. So when I can home Wed the 7th and found 5 little babies in the box all dead. :( I was surprised about what i found. I did research and many people did tell me that the mother sometimes doesn't understand how to care for babies and can accidentally kill them... or the froze to death (tragic I know) or she was threatened... It's hard to say, it's defiantly a mystery of rabbit breeding and getting it correct.
The 5 babies...sorry if this is morbid... They were so cute even nonbreathing.

So now i have Bonnie due in a week and wondering if it is going to be the same tragic sorry that happened to Abby's babies... OH and I think Abby is pregnant again... Opps you go Cole!

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