Sunday, March 25, 2012

Independence Rock

So more fun Wyoming places to visit.  Back in January I took a quick little trip to Independence Rock, which is another landmark along the Oregon Trail.  It is pretty interesting; the rock sticks out like a sore thumb and is covered in carved and painted names of many of the families that reached the rock during their journey.  It is neat to see some of the history of Wyoming.  I walked already the way around it too... It was a nice brisk walk on the cold and breezy January day.

Independence Rock is a large granite rock, approximately 130 feet high, in southwestern Natrona County in Wyoming. During the middle of the 19th century, the rock was a prominent and well-known landmark on the Oregon, Mormon and California emigrant trails. It was designated a National Historic Landmark on January 20, 1961.

The rock derives its name from the fact that it lies directly along the route of the Emigrant Trail and that emigrant wagon parties bound for Oregon or California, which usually left the Missouri River in the early spring, attempted to reach the rock by July 4, in order to reach their destinations before the first mountain snowfalls.

Carrie Underwood - Good Girl

My New Fave Song!

My Next Creation

So now that I pretty much finished my other quilt besides the binding, I have been researching for future quilts.... so this is what I decided....

The strips came precut

Rascal will even think it's comfy

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Vegas 2006

OOH the memories and more to gain!

For Baby Nora!

So one of my good friends, Rebecca just had her 1st baby a couple days ago!  I couldn't be happier for her...So for a supriseI made her something special.... I didnt really want to post it till now.....

Congrats again REBECCA and JEFF!!


Sad Day

Abby in the nesting box.
As many of my other blogs had suggested I have a strange interest in breeding rabbits.... so I have done a lot of research and preparation for baby rabbits.... I even went as far as having a "Rabbit Habit Party" where some of my closest friends in Casper got together and we watched a very intimate moment for my rabbits.... So we breed Bonnie and Abby to Cole.  Yea... I know Cole has it made!  Anyway,  little did I know that Abby was actually already 2 weeks pregnant.  Because to my surprise she ended up having babies a little earlier then I expected.  I did have my suspicions but still was skeptical.  So on Tuesday March 6th.... Abby went crazy...she shredded her hair and stuffed mouths full of hay...  Here is a video of her behavior.  Little did I know she was probably in labor at this time and was perfecting her nesting bed.  Also little did she know it was the coldest night of the week. So when I can home Wed the 7th and found 5 little babies in the box all dead. :( I was surprised about what i found. I did research and many people did tell me that the mother sometimes doesn't understand how to care for babies and can accidentally kill them... or the froze to death (tragic I know) or she was threatened... It's hard to say, it's defiantly a mystery of rabbit breeding and getting it correct.
The 5 babies...sorry if this is morbid... They were so cute even nonbreathing.

So now i have Bonnie due in a week and wondering if it is going to be the same tragic sorry that happened to Abby's babies... OH and I think Abby is pregnant again... Opps you go Cole!