Thursday, March 31, 2011

The adventures of Moab

So a couple weekends ago Jay and I went to Moab, UT. I have wanted to visit this place for a while now so the opportunity came up and we decided to go. Besides the 8-hour drive each way it was a pretty good little trip. The first day we arrived Jay and I did some easy 4x4 trails in his truck and became more amazed by the beauty of the area. We did a couple trails that had great views. At the beginning of the trail there was break off to another trail that lead us to a “Surprise Overlook” and man was it a surprise! I haven’t see canyons like that ever before. Essentially you can walk right up to the edge and really test my fear of heights and falling. While Jay would climb and jump everywhere on the rocks which made me nervous about his safety. Next we went to the Gemini Bridges that amazing to have these natural bridge formations that are huge. Afterwards, we did the Long Canyon trail that was again spectular views were we drove down this long narrow trail seeing all the rocks that have slide off the side of the mountain and wondering to myself that we don’t have bad luck.

After the morning of driving around, Jay decided to test my endurance and athletic abilities by taking me on a bike trail called Slick Rock. And yep, it is just how it sounds. I think I probably walked 2/3’s the trail and the other 1/3 worrying about flying over the handlebars and breaking both my wrists. The rock was so slick and steep I would both my front and back breaks on my mountain bike and I would continue to slide forward without stopping. We just did the practice trail that was like 3 miles and I was worn out by the end. Definitely a workout!

We decided that camping would be the easiest and cheapest way to stay. It was a little chilly but nothing unbearable that required me to go sleep in the Truck for the night J. For the next day Jay rented a 4-door Jeep Rubicon for more difficult trails for us to adventure out on (yes I know I have such a great boyfriend), plus this was a good way to see if this really is the new vehicle I want and what I can do with it besides driving around town. After buying camping wood that really made Jay mad and picking up the jeep, we relaxed cooked dinner and ate somores.

The next morning after Jay and I’s Starbucks fix we were off and did a trail called Spring Canyon Bottom that again had spectacular views that lead us down this long steep descent to the bottom of the canyon where there is just enough room for the jeep and then a nice long drop to the bottom. Lucky we didn’t run into any other vehicles coming up. When we made it to the bottom of the canyon we drove on a more difficult trail called Hey Joe Canyon that lead us along the Green Rive and over some pretty tough truane with large rocks and narrow areas to fit this rented jeep through that we don’t want to pay for damages J we didn’t make it to the end because there was a large rock slide across the trail and we weren’t able to make it over so we decided to turn back see what other adventures we can discover. After a long trip back up the canyon and almost colliding with so motorcycles coming around a sharp turn we next went on another trail called Mineral Point that lead us to top of the Green River with more breathe taking views and me being worried about Jay falling over. I’m so glad Jay decided to rent the jeep we were able to go places that wouldn’t have been to originally with the truck.

After like 6 hours of driving and 135 miles on the jeep we deicide maybe we should walk around downtown Moab and get diner. We went to an Italian restaurant called: Yep, Jay’s Pasta. And yes, Jay picked the place. After eating like 3000 calories with just dinner we went back to camp and stumbled upon our tent and sleeping bag covered with the red sand that was EVERYWHERE. It’s like being at the beach but without the luxury of the ocean. The red sand got in everything and it was so fine it came from the screen on the tent and it was particularly windy that night and every time the wind would blow it would rain sand in our eyes, mouth nose and ears it was everywhere! The next morning we were going to go hiking but got a late start and decided that it would probably be best to get a head start on the way home.

All in all it was a wonderful little trip wish we could have stayed longer and experienced more but there is so much more to experience in the area. And I want to say thank you to the Guide to Moab, UT trails book that we have it was quite useful with discovering the beauty of Moab!

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