Thursday, February 24, 2011


2010. What a year! I accomplished so much last year and if you were to ask me today what I would be doing I really couldn’t tell you. I knew I would be a nurse but what kind and where would be the question. I know for sure I would not say living in WYOMING. I wouldn’t change a thing now. I have a great boyfriend, job and supportive friends in Wyoming. I sad to be away from my family and friends in Colorado but it really is a 4 hour drive which I am now quite use to it not really that bad. Casper is a great little city. It pretty much has everything I need and still has the small town atmosphere.

Whats new in 2011:

I just moved into a house with a room mate J I really haven’t lived with some one for

Buy a Car

Precept a student

Become more healthy.

Horse Back riding lessons

Hiking and outdoor stuff

So I wrote this like the 1st week of Jan and decided to post it now and then give you updates J on my accomplishes.

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