Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jeep Beep!

This is the vehicle I want! Just can afford it right now!

4 door Jeep Rubicon, fully load with navigation system, automatic start, sway bars and everything else.

Hopefully I will be an owner in like 6 months J

Perks of the vehicle:

It’s like having a convertible but better.

All the off roading stuff sounds awesome.

Insurance is cheaper for a Jeep then my old 2003 Kia, amazingly.

I’d look pretty hot in a jeep J

4 wheel drive

It’s a jeep….

Precepting Nursing Students

1st of all!

Precepting is HARD! Having a student follow me around for the last 6 weeks is not easy. Being able to train and teach and then still be responsible for all my patients has really taught me time management. Last night was the end of the 6 weeks and I couldn’t be happier. My student was as slow as molasses and just made my job that much harder. I like teaching and showing students the job but I struggled with this student. I just hope he finds an area of nursing he can work in that he will be comfortable in.

I'm looking forward to doing my job and not having to explain it ... and just working alone!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


2010. What a year! I accomplished so much last year and if you were to ask me today what I would be doing I really couldn’t tell you. I knew I would be a nurse but what kind and where would be the question. I know for sure I would not say living in WYOMING. I wouldn’t change a thing now. I have a great boyfriend, job and supportive friends in Wyoming. I sad to be away from my family and friends in Colorado but it really is a 4 hour drive which I am now quite use to it not really that bad. Casper is a great little city. It pretty much has everything I need and still has the small town atmosphere.

Whats new in 2011:

I just moved into a house with a room mate J I really haven’t lived with some one for

Buy a Car

Precept a student

Become more healthy.

Horse Back riding lessons

Hiking and outdoor stuff

So I wrote this like the 1st week of Jan and decided to post it now and then give you updates J on my accomplishes.

Monday, February 21, 2011