Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pocket Bunny

I think I'm going to breed a new kind of rabbit....It's called a pocket bunny.... i think i might make it huge...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Patch work Salad Quilt

Finally done with the patch work on my quilt.  only took me 4 months...:) (really only 1 true month of hard work)  Now I just need to sew the back on and stuffing and then actually quilt it :)  Then I will probably never use it...just look at it from a distance..

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wyoming Highlights

So important tree on the Oregon Trail
Back in September Jay and I went for a mini Wyoming tour where we followed the Oregon Trail and went to a place where oil actually seeped out of the ground. 
See the trail....
First, Wyoming has so much involvement and history regarding the Oregon Trail and it is neat to learn more about it.  My only experience in the past with the Oregon Trail was the computer game that we played in grade school.   Which was an awesome game J.   
Next, for months I have learned more about oil and the oil industry and the process it takes to extract oil from the earth.  Also, it sees like everyone thinks the industry of the oil extraction is devastating to the planet.  DON’T GET ME WRONG, when there are large man made spills it is!!  But oil is a natural occurring substance; I couldn’t believe it actually came out of the ground naturally.  So Jay took me to a place just an hour or so west of Casper that proved me wrong.   I was surprised when we actually got there and the image in my head was different then what was reality.  I expected rivers of oil and (like lava) but instead just spots were it would slowly seep out of the ground.  

Not Grandmother Appropriate

but.. I think it is hilarious!